Self-Employment / Self-Reliance

Self-Employment / Self-Reliance

Self-Employment / Self-Reliance

Self-reliance is one of the best qualities of a human being. A man becomes human in the real sense when he is self-reliant. Self-reliance means self-dependence, and actually, it depends on self-employment. So it may be said that self-reliance is nothing more than self-employment. A person is self-reliant when he or she is self-employed. It inspires us to stand on our own legs and do our best to make our way in life.  All animals on this earth have to depend for a certain time on others. Children of every animal species depend on their father or mother for a certain period, as they are babies. Only human children depend on their parents or other guardians for a long time until they grow enough to earn his or her living. It takes a long time to be self-reliant or self-dependent.  Self-employment is very essential to be self-reliant. It is quite difficult to be self-employed, but all grown-up humans should try to be self-employed without waiting for any job under others.  Self-employment brings about all our latent talents. It whets our power and creates confidence in our ability. All great men of the world relied upon their own abilities. The habit of self-reliance should be formed in childhood. To be self-reliant we must create self-employment. If we can employ ourselves in our own created job, we can create jobs for others. If a man does not try to do anything of his own and deepens always on others, he remains a burden to himself as well as to society. He falls behind in life and suffers a lot in the long run. So, all of us should form the habit of self-reliance by creating self-employment for us.

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